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Baby Namings

" Let us celebrate and welcome our love of a new child"

A naming ceremony is a heartfelt and joyous occasion that brings together parents, family, and friends to celebrate the arrival of a precious new addition to the family. It's a beautiful opportunity for parents to share their gratitude for the gift of life and to officially introduce their child to their loved ones.

This meaningful ceremony not only marks the birth of a new child but also embodies the profound connections of love and unity within the family. It's a moment filled with warmth, love, and a sense of oneness as everyone gathers to honour and welcome the newest member into the family fold.

By celebrating the joy of new beginnings and the bonds of family, the naming ceremony creates cherished memories that will last a lifetime. It's a special occasion where love abounds, laughter fills the air, and hearts overflow with happiness. Let's create a moment that captures the essence of love, connection, and celebration.


Inspiring Ideas and Traditions to Include

  • Welcome and Introduction: The ceremony typically begins with a warm welcome to all attendees, followed by an introduction to the significance of the occasion.- Naming Ritual: The central focus of the ceremony is often the naming ritual itself, where the child's name is formally announced and celebrated. This can be accompanied by heartfelt words from the parents or other family members.- Readings or Poems: Family members or friends may share readings, poems, or blessings that reflect on the joy of welcoming the new child into the family and the wider community.

  • Symbolic Gestures: Some naming ceremonies incorporate symbolic gestures, such as planting a tree or lighting a candle, to represent the growth and blessings of the child's life.

  • Promises and Wishes: Parents may make promises or express their hopes and dreams for their child's future, while loved ones offer their blessings and well-wishes for the child's journey ahead.

  • Communal Blessing: Attendees may be invited to participate in a communal blessing or affirmation, expressing their love and support for the child and their family.

  • Gifts and Tokens: It's common for guests to bring gifts or tokens of love to the naming ceremony, symbolising their joy and support for the new addition to the family.

  • Reception: Following the formal ceremony, many naming ceremonies include a reception or gathering where guests can socialise, enjoy refreshments, and celebrate together in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

  • Memory Keepsakes: Parents may choose to create memory keepsakes, such as a guestbook or photo album, to commemorate the special day and cherish for years to come.

  • Personal Touches: Every naming ceremony is unique, and families often incorporate personal touches and traditions that hold special significance to them, making the event truly memorable and meaningful.


£300 Includes...

Creation of a personalised script tailored to your child's ceremony.

Suggestions for readings, promises, and mini-symbolic ceremonies to enrich the experience.

Guidance on crafting meaningful promises for the occasion.

Pre-ceremony run-through to ensure everything flows smoothly on the day.

A personalised keepsake copy of the ceremony script to cherish.

Personalised certificates for your child, guide parent, and grandparent to commemorate the special occasion.


Ready to create a memorable and personalised naming ceremony for your little one? Let's bring your vision to life together!

Contact me today to start planning your special day filled with love, joy, and cherished memories.

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